Monday, May 2, 2011

Last Friday - Friends & Family Night

Thanks to all of you that came out over the weekend!

The roses make these pictures look really weird.

I think they're all gone.

3 members of 98 degrees. They preform frequently at the Emerald Queen Casino. Time and cocaine addictions have not been kind to them.

If that doesn't deserve a dollar..

Pretty funny picture. Theres a stare down and the girl in the background is chillin with a puppy. Maybe it's only funny to me.

Mike Giant made it out!

Dano showing off his lava lamp collection to Johan.

Those look like cookies in his hand. I could be completely off.

Here's where the brawl between me and Tagge start. Gina has no idea. She's too busy talking about that one episode of sex in the city.

I spy Fosstradamus, Mintle, and Mike Giant.

A Brood of Johan. Watch out for those kids. They'll be the ones stepping on all of your balls when you get old and washed up.

Brood of Johan part 2

Who's wearing the black fur pants?

Dave has a message to SPD.

And then things went south. The rest of the pictures I can't post. And yes, they're really good.

1 comment:

Nose Dradamous said...

Thanks for the entertainment and beers. Now send me the photos.