Monday, November 2, 2009

"RIP on your early departure"

Downed Power Line in Montana Kills a Dozen Animals

A dead tree knocked over a power line in rural Northwestern Montana. No one complained about losing power so the company didn’t know about it for several months. When they finally arrived on the scene, more than a dozen animals had been electrocuted and cooked by the power line. The first were likely a couple deer that tried to wander through the power line, and then their cooked carcasses attracted predators. The power company found five whitetail deer, four black bears, two wolves, one coyote, and a turkey vulture.


That is a lot of animals. goodness. thats a barbarian 12 course meal. Bring 2 bottles of bbq sauce, sriracha if youre feeling jiggy. animals need to learn that if there are a bunch of dead animals in a pile, run the other way. Dont eat, re-treat.

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