Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Worst Idea Ever Award

Ok, so before the weather got nice, it rained ALOT. The backside of the garage has a door that doesnt shut down all the way to the ground. so somebody (not gonna name any names) decided to put something below the gutter drain so the rain didnt flood into garage.

problem is the temporary fix filled up all the way and theres no way to empty it because

1. its too high up off the ground
2. its heavier
3. its full of mutant water with god knows what growing in it

the crows like it. they drink out of it and bathe in it (as seen in the first picture). i watched a bee drown in that the other day. it forever changed me. anyone have a brilliant solution that doesnt involve slurping it out with a hose or smashing the glass?? Maybe there will be treats involved. treats are good.


Grant Nguyen said...

Get a bunch of similar-sized containers (maybe just a couple of trash cans), have someone hold or perch them on a stable surface like a foot down from the tank right now and right next to/under it. Tip the tank to pour it out until you've gotten rid of all the mutant water. If it's too heavy to tip, just do it old school and get a pitcher or bucket and shovel the water out into a trash can.

Alex said...

I siphoned a fish pond with a garden hose before...if you're too afraid to get the sludge on your lips, just prime the hose with tapwater first...

comeon. SCIENCE!

either that, or heave a brick at it...

b.raq said...

i really like the brick idea. but i dont want to clean it up. i really really want to.