Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frat Boy Time Capsule FOUND

last night anna came over to clean dans room because any respectable business owner does not need to clean his own room. thats ridiculous.

anyways, she was looking around. and to her it looks like the house Casual is currently running out of use to be a place where people might have grown illegal plants of sorts. then she found a black bag full of clothes stuffed up in the vent of dannys room. sorry, no drugs were found, just clothes. from the looks of it, it was probably a frat boy who snowboards. what is the deal with the one-armed hoodie? must have gotten ripped off during a game of lacrosse. AK knows a guy who use to come over all the time before it housed Casual. Apparently it was "The Party House" of Alki. I hope we find more hidden tresures.

we're sorry we opened your time capsule. but it was cutting off the heat to dans room. next time put something cool in it. the hoodie was pretty funny though.

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