Friday, October 28, 2011

Last Min Costume idears

I know a lot of you probably forgot Halloween is happening in the next couple days. Casual has your back on this one

  1. Yankee Fitted - Team Shop
  2. Your regular (cool guy) clothes - Your Closet

Seriously, that's all you have to do. I just got back from NY and every time I saw someone with a Yankee fitted on I kept thinking, "hey that guy is wearing a Jay-Z costume."

Steve Jobs and/or Johnny Quest or Kristen The Casual Production Manager (3-fer)
  1. Black turtleneck - Army surplus
  2. Blue jeans - Your dresser
  3. An iPhone or white French Bulldog depending on which one you go with. Age may play a factor. If you want to be a Kristen, get a red wig, leprechaun hat, or corned beef hash leftovers.
Bazooka (from G.I. Joe)
  1. Mustache - the sell fakes everywhere if you're not man enough to naturally grow one.
  2. Olive Drab Helmet, webbing belt, and cargo pants - All available at Army Surplus
  3. Vintage football jersey- I'm sure if you just wore a red football jersey people would get it. Unless their childhood completely missed out on G.I. Joes. Then they're the ones at a loss.
  4. Potato Gun - If you don't have one, you probably have a friend that owns one. I did. You don't need it, it just makes it way more official. You may also get arrested for blasting a couple kids with bread. I want to buy a t-shirt gun and light people up on the sidewalk. They can't get mad at you if they're being rewarded.
  1. Henley shirt - American Apparel
  2. Driving Gloves - Army Surplus, latex ones would work too. They're a lot easier to find and they're inexpensive.
  3. Cool guy boots - if you don't own some sort of boot by now, you've probably gone through canvas shoes like tissue in Seattle weather.
  4. I.D. Badge - Army Surplus. Just in case people don't get who you are, you can write in you're id badge "I'm Dexter, you idiot"
  5. Syringe - There's plenty of them under bridges.

1. Flattop / Mohawk / Mullet thing - You can't be the Boz if you can't commit to giving yourself a jacked up do. It will grow back.
2. Boz Jersey - A generic blue jersey would work or any Seahawks jersey.
3. Football Pads - This really makes it. Dan borrowed some from his old highschool (and forgot to give them back)
4. Blue Bandana - Army Surplus, Gas Station
5. Razor Blade Shades - You could probably get them from your cool unemployed uncle.
6. Earring - Optional. You may have to get your girl to walk into Claire's for you.

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